What is Racketball?
Racketball or Squash57 as it is sometimes referred to is a new variant of the traditional game of squash that has been played for nearly 200 years. Played on a standard squash court with a larger bouncier ball and larger racket, Racketball is a great introduction to a racket sport but still with a full-on cardio workout. A Racketball ball bounces higher and travels slower than the smaller traditional squash ball, making it easier to see and hit the ball and longer to retrieve your opponent's shots. As you get better at racketball the length of rallies gets longer and soon you are enjoying a serious workout, all while having fun. Not uncommon to hear laughing from a Racketbell court as the players work out the dynamics of the game and the bounce of the larger ball. Played in a slightly more upright stance, Racketball takes the pressure out of deep lunges that injuries or lack of mobility may have caused, keeping you on the court longer.

Racketball/Squash57 Promo Video
Racketball/Squash57 Singles Game
Racketball/Squash57 Doubles Game
How to play Racketball/Squash57